
Re: In-Band Information Considered Harmful

1998-10-30 10:37:08
"Andy" == Andy Wardley <abw(_at_)cre(_dot_)canon(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> 
    Andy> Or even add the 'm' after the '?' in a regular assertion:

    Andy> (?m= bold)
    Andy> (?m! bold)
    Andy> (?m< bold)
    Andy> (?m<! bold)

(?m) already has meaning within a regex.

Perl is really designed more for the guys that will hack Perl at least
20 minutes a day for the rest of their career.  TCL/Python is more a
"20 minutes a week", and VB is probably in that "20 minutes a month"
group. :) -- Randal Schwartz