
Re: In-Band Information Considered Harmful

1998-10-29 01:48:04

OTOH, all things being equal, I'd favor adding escape sequences
instead of adding new interpretations for existing characters and then
requiring new flags on the REs that use them.

Fair enough.  I wonder then if Ilya's suggestion of extending the 
syntax inside the braces, rather than using \m and \M is worth 

Perhaps something that matches the lookahead/lookbehind assertions:

   \m{?= bold}
   \m{?! bold?
   \m{?< bold}
   \m{?<! bold}

Or even add the 'm' after the '?' in a regular assertion:

   (?m= bold)
   (?m! bold)
   (?m< bold)
   (?m<! bold)