
Re: [GB2312] Please, don't help spread this misuse

2002-03-26 20:00:05
Hello Jungshik!

Very glad to hear you on this list :-)

When you say gb2312 and ksc5601, EUC-based encoding is assumed.

JS>   Please, don't help spread this misuse.

Jungshik, one little point on GB2312.. Maybe I misunderstand
something, but

IANA registry (

Name: GB2312  (preferred MIME name)
MIBenum: 2025
Source: Chinese for People's Republic of China (PRC) mixed one byte, 
        two byte set: 
          20-7E = one byte ASCII 
          A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji 
        See GB 2312-80 
        PCL Symbol Set Id: 18C
Alias: csGB2312

do not know when was that put in, but it looks EUC-CN. Is it?
And if yes, then GB2312 is a perfectly valid charset, isn't it?

And thank you for explaining how it happened that Korean
misuse the name of a CCS for charset :-)

- Anton

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