
Re: Encode: CJK-Guide

2002-03-26 21:49:29
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 11:40:56PM -0500, Jungshik Shin wrote:
 Before going further, I have a question or two. It appears that
euc-kr, ksc5601-raw(ksc5601-gl or whatever) and cp949 have their own
mapping tables although they're closely related. Is there any reason
for this? In case of Johab, the easiest way to add support for it is to
just generate the mapping table for it, but I feel uncomfotable bloating
the code when it can be done algorithmically if I can make use of the
mapping table for euc-kr or ksc5601(-raw).

Please look at lib/Encode/*/*pm for examples of algorithmically parsed
encodings; I've made CN/, which is an escaped-based encoding.

So yes, you can hack up lib/Encode/KR/, and add a
    use Encode::KR::Johab

to KR/


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