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Re: why dead.letter?

1996-08-16 13:23:55

Yes, you're right, but what I meant was to look at formail's
output on the command line, not through procmail.  You can
try all of formail's various options and see what comes out
on standard output.


On Fri, 16 Aug 1996, Stan Ryckman wrote:

Kevin Kelleher wrote:
Incidentally, I found a good way to test what formail does -
certainly obvious, but one that didn't occur to me to use to
test your suggestion.  If you save an email to a file, you can
pipe it to formail and see what it does:

  cat testmail | formail -rtzxTo:

and see what pops out.

Even easier, to see what's going on in a pipe like:
      | thing1 | stuff2 | foo3 | bar4
just use "tee -a"; easy to insert and remove:
      | thing1 | stuff2 | tee -a testmail | foo3 | bar4
(in principle you'd now want to lock this recipe; if just testing,
you may not care.)  This also works at either end of the pipe.

Stan Ryckman (stanr(_at_)tiac(_dot_)net).

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