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Re: Feature request

1996-08-20 17:09:59
Except that you lose the ability for the message to be hardlinked into
each folder.  rcvstore doesn't help either, as it accepts only one

Anyway, I added the functionality I wanted (extending LASTFOLDER) and 
have submitted a patch to Stephen (at his request).

I understand the limitations.  My original "pf_save.rc" *did* do the
hardlink for MH-style folder saving, but it didn't do unseen sequence
maintenance.   My original pf-save.rc is below; it *does* do hard links,
it *does not* do rcvstore.

In order to do the unseen sequence maintenance correctly, procmail would
have to read the user's ~/.mh_profile file for the tag: Unseen-Sequence:
and use the corresponding value as the name of the sequence.

I have some questions, asked with some bit of incredulity:

* Does your patch cause procmail to read the user's ~/.mh_profile?

* Does it update the unseen sequence for each folder?

Don't get me wrong: I really like MH (I use it almost exclusively), but
I would find it very interesting if Stephen supported this highly
specific MH_related patch, and yet not support a more generic patch to
implement functions.


============================= cut here ===================================
# pf-save.rc
# $Id: pf-save.rc,v 1996/08/16 18:27:12 stebbens Exp $
# Author: Alan K. Stebbens <stebbens(_at_)sgi(_dot_)com>
# Procmail recipe file to save the current message to 
# a list of one or more folders set by pf-check.rc.
# You may wish to set the variable PF_DEST before invoking.
# INCLUDERC=pf-save.rc
# If the message is filed into a folder, LOGABSTRACT is
# set to "off" so a duplicate log is not created.

* PF_DEST ?? .
  # Add a new X-Filed if necessary
  :0 fh
  * !^X-Filed:
  | formail -A "X-Filed: $PF_DEST"

  # Else, if there is already a header, possibly append to it
  :0 E
    OLD_PF_DEST=`formail -zxX-Filed:`
    :0 fh
    * $!^X-Filed:.*$PF_DEST
    |formail -I"X-Filed: $OLD_PF_DEST $PF_DEST"

  # If filing into MH folders, use one copy and procmail will take
  # care of linking.
  :0 c
  * PF_DEST ?? /\.$

  # If not filing into MH folders, use recursive filing
  :0 E
    DEST=`echo $PF_DEST | cut -d' ' -f1`
    PF_DEST=`echo $PF_DEST' ' | cut -d' ' -f2-`

    # File into the first folder now
    :0 c:

    # Possibly file into the 2nd and other folders with recursion 
    # It must be non-blanks, and not identical to the already filed DEST
    :0 c
    * PF_DEST ?? [^ ]
    * $! DEST ?? $PF_DEST
    |procmail -pm PF_RECURSE=yes pf-save.rc

    # If we were recursing, don't file multiple copies into DEFAULT
    * PF_RECURSE ?? yes
    { HOST=_stop_now_ }

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