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Re: Zapping repeated .sig appendices

1996-09-02 07:59:18

Josh Kramer <kramer(_at_)gfs(_dot_)pvt(_dot_)k12(_dot_)pa(_dot_)us> writes:

Is there a way to set up procmail so that it omits your .sig text from 
incoming mail? Some messages at my site receive enough replies to have 6 or 
more copies of many different people's sig files - annoying, to say the 

Not perfect but this is what I use:

:0 f
| formail -c | kill.sig.perl

When I see an evil signature I save it to a file named after the 'From
user ' text.  So my signature 'From rory(_at_)wolfram(_dot_)com' is saved in a 
.../Mail/signatures/rory.  When the signature changes I'll see it again
but mostly this scheme them go away.  [I haven't found people to
reliably use '--' to mark the start of signatures.]
  This solution doesn't really address folks citing other's sigs and
sending them on.

"kill.sig.perl" is this:


undef $/ ;
$message = <STDIN> ;

( $from ) = ( $message =~ /From ([^ ]+)/ );
$from =~ s/\(_at_)wri(_dot_)com//i;

open( SIG, "/home3/rory/Mail/signatures/$from" ) ;
chop( $sig = <SIG> );

$sig =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_\-\n/\./c ;
$message =~ s/$sig//mgi if ( $sig ) ;
$message =~ s/[\n]+$//; # kill trailing newlines

print $message;

print "\n\n" ; # or you'll upset vm

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