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Re: Security features of ETCRCS

1996-12-09 22:46:09
I think I should simplify my question.  I confused myself
reading it, so it must be awful.

I have this:

Mprocmail,      P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=DFMShu, S=11/31, R=21/31,
      A=procmail -m $h $f $u

Which sends $f and $u as arguments $1 and $2,
and everything is happy.  However,
if I set this up to use a .procmailrc that is in 
ETCRCS, the recipe runs and those arguments do not arrive.

The only difference is in the fact that the .rc file
is in /etc/procmailrcs/.  (Thus procmail attempts to
set uid to the owner of the file).

The man page says that "Variable Substitution" is a problem,
but does not indicate this behaviour.

I admit that my setup is confusing and tricky, but I hope
that I have narrowed down my problem enough to reasonably
ask you for help.



   James L. McGill      |              NETCOM  Interactive
 Programmer / Analyst   |                 Dallas, Texas  
 <fishbowl(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>  | -=[ 
In a five year period we can get one superb programming language.  Only
we can't control when the five year period will begin.

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