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Re: an unofficial procmail/smartlist webpage

1996-12-29 16:17:40
BILL KUEHNLEILL, <bill(_at_)NetSrv(_dot_)net>, who has agreed to host a 
list, should enough interest be shown.  This seems an ideal solution to
help keep the current procmail/smartlist list focused for the more
advanced users.  I will be the first to join!  Would the veterans of
this list concur that this is a good idea?  Your thoughts would be

        Of course the consensus of the list will out on this
        issue -- however I think that splitting the list
        along the lines of "basic" and "advanced" would be a 
        bad idea.

        With only a few people actively helping with the more
        basic questions the list can be amenable to both.

        Oddly enough I would still consider myself to be 
        a "basic" or "intermediate" level procmail user.
        All those weird :0 flags still give me fits and I 
        break my recipes as often as I fix them (as the 
        half dozen people who sent requests to my info bot
        last night and the several people who sent subscribe
        requests to sysadmin-talk might have noticed).

        For example:

                Last night I broke my infobot.  Now I have
                a bunch of messages in my 'procmail.backup'
                file that I'd like to spit back through the
                procmail file to "re" process.

                I know it's possible -- so now I'm hunting 
                through the man pages to figure it out.
                I'll probably blow it on the first try.

                Hold on a sec.....

        Ahhh, there it is.  Let's try:

        formail -s /usr/local/bin/procmail  < procmail.backup

                I probably should have locked that
                down before opening it -- but, luckily,
                with my feed I don't have to worry about that
                much (uucp set to call my feed every hour).

        Now, would that be a "basic" or an "advanced" topic.

Jim Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services