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Re: Quick Start with PROCMAIL

1996-12-30 07:10:10
Oh looks like it's my turn to be wrong today... so I'll guess once more.It
surprises me that you can login to this shell account but still get this
error.Are you able to login to the michael account or is it only for pop
access?I think your problem is that this michael user's login shell
is not >in /etc/shells or is not one of the default shells this is so your
ISP can >stop you logging into it I think. Which would be rather
strange because >you have to have some way of getting .forward there ...

The default shell for michael account is /bin/sh, and this shell is not in
the /etc/shells file. So this must be the problem, I will contact my sys
admin for correct this. Thanks everbody for all the responses.

Viet Hoang