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use autoresponders with caution, not with abandon

1997-04-05 14:52:00
wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com wrote (about autoresponders),
| Well, I use one.  And I also use a noack option in it.  And let people say
| they don't want auto-acknowledgements.  Very few people have commented on
| getting the responder ...
Caution, list members: if you want to know how to use an autoresponder, take
advice from someone who has one set up well.  Mr. "Wotan"'s is not, as you've
seen if you've ever written to him.  One of his claims above is not true and
another is a guess based on information he does not have.

(I'd take the particulars up with him privately if there were a chance that
 he'd listen.)
Autoresponders should be triggered by limited criteria, not by default for
all mail except that which meets limited criteria.