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Re: Bouncing/refusing mail with EXITCODE

1997-04-13 19:15:00
revjack(_at_)Radix(_dot_)Net (revjack(_at_)radix(_dot_)net) writes:
I am operating under UNIX System V Release 4.0. I use the .forward
mechanism with this line:

"|/usr/local/bin/procmail -Yf- || exit 75 #revjack"
Does anyone on this list successfully use the EXITCODE approach to
basically pretend that the mail is undeliverable?

You want procmail to return $EXITCODE to sendmail, but your .forward
file entry is setup to have the shell catch the non-zero status code
and just return 75.  Solution: remove the "|| exit 75" part of the
.forward entry.  You only really need that if your procmail binary
is on a NFS mounted filesystem.

Philip Guenther