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Re: Clubmail spam

1997-05-24 17:32:00
Use the from:/to: fields, as well as the subject.

On Sat, 24 May 1997, Lars Hecking wrote:

Debra Walker writes:

This is the second time I have received spam from this outfit.  I got a
copy of it the other day, via direct email.  Can anyone suggest a good
recipe to catch these messages?

 I have added a simple Subject: (free|money) filter now after this
 spam appeared in my procmail inbox, but it trapped your and
 Wotan's reply too ... dunno how to prevent this. 

After seeing the errant spam post in this mailing list earlier, I
added it to my 'spampack' recipes (thanks, Lars) and trapped it
on its way to my personal mailbox later in the morning.  This caught

* ^From.*

Associated question: using an EXITCODE=77 denotes an "insufficient
permission" on bounced mail.  Would not an EXISTCODE=69 ("service
not available") be more useful?  Is there really a difference in
the final scheme of things?

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