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1997-06-25 06:51:00
On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, R Lindberg & E Winnie wrote:

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Eli the Bearded wrote:

"Matthew G. Saroff" <msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net> wrote:
  I can't speak for anyone else, but I use Catherine A. Hampton's 
Spam Bouncer, but I also block THE ENTIRE AGIS NETBLOCK (98% spam) and 
about 100 other domains that I have received spam from that aren't in 
Spam Bouncer.

What spam have you received from This is a small site with
BOFHish admins. You have bounced mail from me, so I think you just
filter wildly and have ceased trying to help you.
  I think we have seen another example of why spambouncer is -bad-.
Especially when it is used over broadly. Who know's how much legit stuff
Mat has bounced back and pissed people off. If he had just deleted it,
they at least would not be pissed at his scripting
        I need to make something clear.  SPAMBOUNCER HAS NOTHING TO DO
WITH MY AGIS NETBLOCK FILTER.  They are separate.  Spambouncer just routes
stuff to my spam filter.  The AGIS netblock routes the message to my AGIS
folder, and sends a message back saying, "Send the following phrase, and
you will be put on my automatic approval list."  The auto-replies
regarding AGIS have NOTHING to do with Ms. Hampton's procmail recipes.
I got the conditions for the AGIS netblock from, and added the reply message, 
and the automatic approval to the "approved list" myself.
        I use the Lite version of spambouncer, I don't autoreply.
--Matthew Saroff

The recipes in question are as follows:

# The next two repipes check adds anyone who has included the password
# to the approved list

# This one sees if someone hwo has a magic cookie has already been
# entered.  If so, tell them that they are in.
* ^Subject:.*givematthewgsaroffacookie
* !^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net
* ? (formail -xFrom:) | fgrep -i -f $GOLIST
| (formail -r \
-A "X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net" \
-A "Precedence: junk"; \
echo "Hi,";\
echo "     In my last message, I said that you would be AUTOMATICALLY";\
echo "added to the approved list if you sent a message with the";\
echo "password.";\
echo "     Well, you have been added, so you don't have to use the";\
echo "password any more.";\
echo " ";\
echo "--Matthew Saroff";) | $SENDMAIL -t -oi

* ^Subject:.*givematthewgsaroffacookie
* !^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net
* ! ? formail -xFrom: | fgrep -i -f $GOLIST
|formail -rtzxTo: >> $GOLIST

# This will send anything with my magic ccookie directly to my
# inbox
* ? (formail -xFrom:) | fgrep -i -f $GOLIST

# This blocks the AGIS Netblock
* !^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net
| (formail -r \
-A "X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net" \
-A "Precedence: junk"; \
echo "     As you may already be aware, the backbone provider AGIS";\
echo "has decided that it will host email spammers as a matter of";\
echo "corporate corporate policy.";\
echo "     I have neither the time nor the inclination to wade";\
echo "through the vast quantities of email spam originating from";\
echo "their IP netblock to separate the spam from the legitimate";\
echo "mail.";\
echo "     Please contact your system administrator and ask them";\
echo "to change their upstream provider so that they no longer pay";\
echo "money to a company who has policies that make the internet";\
echo "and email virtually unusable.";\
echo "     If you wish to send me an email, you can send me an";\
echo "email with 'givematthewgsaroffacookie' (no quotes,";\
echo "capitalization does not matter) anywhere in the subject, and";\
echo "not only will your email go through, but you will be";\
echo "autimatically placed on my email approved list, so you will";\
echo "have to do this only once.";\
echo "     If you do not wish to do so, the following message has";\
echo "been routed to my 'AGIS' folder, which I check every 2-4";\
echo "weeks.";\
echo " ";\
echo "--Matthew Saroff";\
echo " ";\
echo "Your Message:";\
echo "---------- Forwarded message ----------";\
echo " ";\
echo "$MESSAGE";) | $SENDMAIL -t -oi
