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1997-06-23 16:33:00
On Mon, 23 Jun 1997, Michael Stone wrote:

Quoting W. Reilly Cooley (wcooley(_at_)navi(_dot_)net):
It looks pretty bad that the procmail list server doesn't prevent spam 
like this...

Why? Just because a lot of people use procmail to block spam doesn't
mean that's the only reason it exists. Many people (myself included)
use it for other purposes. If this was the spamblocker mailing list,
you'd have a point. I think this statement is reflective of the growing
assumptions that 1) procmail is a spam filter, and 2) this is an anti
spam mailing list.

To me, Procmail is a mail handling agent.  It accepts ones mail, and
does what we wish with it.  Sort mailing lists, vacation messages, file
server,  perform certian tasks since I don't have access to cron on all
systems, and dispose of what I define as unwanted e-mail.

I started using procmail solely for the last reason.  And my spam and bozo
filters still dispose of over 50% of all non-list mail I get.  

When the mailing lists I subscribe to provide a shortcut for spam to get
into my mail - it pisses me off.  And I have to say I'm not the only one
who feels that way from reading comments in this list on this issue.  

And while I am subscribed to several mailing lists, ironically, the
procmail list is the only one that dumps spam into MY E-mail folders.
Which really is unnaceptable.

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
                -- Salvor Hardin