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Re: Junk email relayed via procmail list ?

1997-08-24 11:53:01
vikas(_at_)insight(_dot_)att(_dot_)com wrote:

Just received the following piece of junk-mail which seems to have been
bounced off (Resent-From) the procmail mailing list! (attached as a MIME

The good samaritan in me just wants to pass this info along.

The geek in me would love to know how this sort of thing is done. i.e. how
can these scum use any arbitrary address to bounce off their trash ?

This I cannot answer, but last night I did some checking on whatever was in the
headers - and, surprise surprise, most of the stuff there appears genuine. (Not
even a single bounce on my complaints! ;) I went to the website advertised, they
have an 800 number you could possibly use to complain (I can't, from Poland). I
also received a sickeningly clueless reply from postmaster at, he
admits to hosting the spammer and his defense is, get this, " This Person Is a
Respected Business man And has done no undue Stress of my email server. I hardly
consider 90emails a threat to my smtp." 

Had to share the above gem... Otherwise, replies should probably go to me by
email and off the list.

marek jedlinski

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