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Re: Newbie Question: AutoResponder to AutoResponder Loop?

1997-09-11 10:38:44
        Author:        "Schramm, Rich" <RDSchramm(_at_)scripps(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:16:07 -0400

I don't mind doing the body scans, as I don't expect voluminous amounts
of traffic.  I am concerned that a response generated by an autoreply
thing set up like mine will not match the *!^FROM_DAEMON, because it is
not a "bounce" in any real sense and a reply from an autoresponder will
strip out my X-Loop headers on a reply...  Is this a real concern?

Well, most folks limit the amount of responses sent to a single address in a  
single day/week/etc.

A bounce should be caught by ! ^FROM_DAEMON unless they use something weird  
like qmail