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Re: Emacs and Linting procmail code with tinypm.el v1.21

1997-10-23 10:04:01
| Thu 97-10-23 Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> list.procmail
| >o       What does lonely "f" flag mean. Shouldn't it be better to force
| >        to say if h and/or b is wanted?
| ...I would suggest that
| your lint give a warning unless the 'h' or 'b' flags or both were
| supplied.  That way if someone really does want to feed the entire message
| into the filter they can profess so by saying "fhb".

Done. v1.24 now available.

| I would suggest that almost every | action should have the 'w' flag.


| Perhaps someone would tell your lint not to complain about this by prefacing
| the recipe with:
|       # ignore exit code

Exellent suggestion. I had forgotten that. Now there lint directives
are supported. To ignore the "w" flag test, you must say explicitely
"-w" in the previous receipe start line. Any more Directives I could

        # Lint: -w
        :0 FLAGS
        | some

| >o       If formail -D is used; should it always have W flag? 
| I _think_ that if formail -D is the action (not a condition), then the
| 'W' flag is sensically required.

Ok. It check this allright.

| >o       Can Lint suggest "i" flag for receipe? 
| >
| >                :0 fbw
| >                | mimencode -u -q
| Hmm, I think a filter should almost never have the 'i' flag.  The above
| recipe certainly shouldn't.

Sorry. Bad example. I mean "If there is no f flag in the receipe start
and if there is '|' then suggest i flag.". Should it also check. "AND
no formail in '|' action line". How's that?
