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Re: Fake From line detection

1997-10-23 14:46:56
Philip Guenther said:

Weird.  The 'S' flag on the local mailer is there for the exact purpose
of having sendmail _not_ run as the sending user in this situation.
Are you sure sendmail is setuid root?


-r-sr-sr-x  1 root     kmem       655360 Sep 30 19:44 /usr/lib/sendmail
-rwsr-xr-x  1 root     bin         90112 Oct 22 13:18 /usr/local/bin/procmail

Here's where the problem stems from - as for who is right and wrong....

In sendmail: deliver.c: 
deliver(ENVELOPE *e)
         /*XXX this seems a bit wierd */
        if (ctladdr == NULL && m != ProgMailer && m != FileMailer &&
            bitset(QGOODUID, e->e_from.q_flags))
===>            ctladdr = &e->e_from;
                        /* reset user id */
                        if (bitnset(M_SPECIFIC_UID, m->m_flags))
                                new_euid = m->m_uid;
                        if (bitset(S_ISUID, stb.st_mode))
                                new_ruid = stb.st_uid;
===>                    else if (ctladdr != NULL && ctladdr->q_uid != 0)
===>                            new_ruid = ctladdr->q_uid;
                        else if (m->m_uid != 0)
                                new_ruid = m->m_uid;
                        else if (!bitnset(M_SPECIFIC_UID, m->m_flags))
                                new_ruid = DefUid;
                        if (new_euid != NO_UID)
                                setreuid(new_ruid, new_euid);
                        else if (new_ruid != NO_UID)
                        /* try to execute the mailer */
                        execve(m->m_mailer, (ARGV_T) pv, (ARGV_T) UserEnviron);

So what happens is that procmail is exec'd with an effective uid of root but
a real uid of the local sender (ctladdr).  BTW, the XXX comment above is really
from the code!

Then in procmail, if (uid != euid) and the uid is not in TRUSTED_IDS, then we
eventually get to the fake warning code.


Mike Spengler                           Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc.
Email: mks(_at_)msc(_dot_)edu                   1200 Washington Ave. So.
Phone: +1 612 337 3557                  Minneapolis MN 55415
FAX:   +1 612 337 3400

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