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Re: UCE via Procmail List???

1998-03-22 23:38:30
        Author:        Bill McClatchie <wmcclatc(_at_)primenet(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 22:17:37 -0700 (MST)

On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Timothy J Luoma wrote:

Received this today.

Yes you and everyone else on the list.

Not so.

Fine, nit pick.  The same message was sent to everyone on the procmail  
mailing list.  My point was there was no reason for him to resend it.

Thanks for resending it.... now I have 2 copies

Why did you get two?  I am using a filter you posted that nailed this

The first one I got did get filtered.... only his resend got into my procmail 

Does anyone read a mailing list before for a few days before sending mail
to it, or am I the only one who remembers that guideline?

Actually Tim, I don't recall this issue coming up in the past couple of
weeks.  Then again, maybe my anti-spam filters caught the spam-complaints
as well.

It came up fairly recently, perhaps the same day.

Since most of it is so easy to catch and since there's nothing we can do  
until Stephen re-appears, I've just settled for filtering it.... Every now  
and again I go through and get the archived message and complain, but nothing  
gets done 98% of the time by the ISP....


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