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Re: Spam Recipe: Match Message-id: and From:

1998-04-29 08:45:41
On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Jacques Gauthier wrote:


I don't know of many normal people who would
put three exclamation marks in their subject. It
is usually only spammers (and hyperactive people)
who do that.  I placed Exclamation an exclamation
mark filter so that anything that has !! in the subject
gets deleted.

some humor has it
I have had good results with that filter.  Another
good filter is to check if FROM and TO are the same.

sometimes i'll send mail to myself and bcc a list of friends. the bcc is
because some of them would rather no have their address passed on to
"unknowns" or because it's their work address and don't want to have a
large number of people answer to all.