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Re: Calling Era!

1998-07-17 00:39:56

To answer your "rhetorical question" I'm trying to contact Era and don't
have his address and yet I know that he subscribes to this list. Way to
simple even for you to not understand.

You know, in 12 seconds I put 'era' and 'procmail faq' into a search engine  
and got a link to the FAQ.

What's the better option:
        1) take some of your own time and do some (really minimal) leg work
        2) email the entire mailing list for your personal message

Era had emailed the list 5 days (~30 messages) before your post, do you  
archive ANY email from the list? (actually your message came in right after  
one from Era, but maybe they crossed on the 'net)

As far as my business with Era it just so happens that I have information
for his procmail FAQ which is more relevant to this list than your rants.

Then why not post it to the procmail list since it relates to the procmail FAQ?

BTW, learn how to spell "considering" before making a fool of yourself on
a public forum.

Consider not trying to make a big deal out of a typo after you've just  
wasted the time of everyone on this mailing list

- Sean ( who is tiring of the influx of people using public mailing lists
as personal contact messaging boards ) Straw

Bernard (who is tiring of the influx of pompous asses using public mailing
lists) El-Hagin.

The pompous ass here might be seen as the one who first brought this whole  
mess to the list because it was easier for you to send an email than take a  
few seconds to find out the information yourself.

Yahoo and Lycos hit Era's FAQ on the first page of replies.

A mailing list is the wrong place for a personal message.  It would have  
been simple for you to avoid doing it.  Being upset about flames isn't making  
you look any better.


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