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Re: 3.11pre7 "Breaking" 3.10 Recipes

1998-07-17 18:59:07
    Recently I inquired about some procmail recipes supposedly
"breaking" with an upgrade from 3.10 ot 3.11pre7.  Slowly some 
information is dribbling out of my ISP.  The following was just 
posted on the in-house newsgroup:

Well, in sendmail 8.7.6 they changed the Mlocal definition when
using FEATURE(`local_procmail') to build your  What they
essentially did was add 'f' to the local mailer flags (F=), which
ended up munging the leading 'From ' line. 

Of course, this cause lots of people grief to no end, so I'm glad
to here that Allman & Co. are going back to the good old ways of
the past.  I haven't actually built a new 8.9.1 .cf file yet...

But I would wonder about an ISP that 

   o Didn't pull this information from the newsgroups
   o Didn't ask this list about it
   o Just sat around and waited until it was "fixed" with minimal
     work on their part

I've always dreamt of becoming a full-blown ISP catering to people
who actually want to do something useful with their account (shell
access, mailing lists, procmail, etc).  If I keep hearing all of
these stories about ISPs maybe I'll just up and do it...
