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Re: Inbox Anomalie

1999-08-12 03:52:46
On Wed, 11 Aug 1999 21:55:05 -0700 (PDT), "S.Toms"
<skull(_at_)primenet(_dot_)com> wrote:
   :0:                     # Procmail Mailing List
   * ^X-Mailing-List:(_dot_)*procmail(_at_)informatik
   "Mailing Lists/Procmail Mailing-List"

(Not sure if it's desirable to have spaces in file names -- you might
end up shooting yourself in the foot with this, even if it's
technically workable.)

   :0:                     # Fast Cash or Make Money SPAM!!!
   * ^Subject:.*fast.*cash|.*make.*money

(You probably mean ^Subject:.*(fast.*cash|make.*money) -- also, these
broad regexes might accidentally match where you don't want them to,
e.g. on Subject: pacemaker costs too much money; a useful although
tedious solution is to list more expressions like "make lots of money"
explicitly if you want to match them.)

the results. Anyway, am I mistaken about everything going into the
Inbox that doesn't match a filter?? Because the only way I could
get other mails in the Inbox was to add the following filter after
it checked for lists and spams

Procmail saves to $DEFAULT which is probably not ~/mail/Inbox and
probably whatever $MAIL is set to in your interactive shell. Pine
should be set up to fetch mail from $MAIL when you start up Pine
(probably called something like spool file in Pine's docs). You
probably +don't+ want Procmail to save directly to Pine's primary
mailbox because of locking issues (disclaimer: I don't use Pine and
don't +know+ this is correct for Pine).

/* era */

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