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Re: procmail works on one user!

2000-08-11 16:34:12

`S' isn't necessary(or better to say I don't understand this flag much but
it seems to me that it's not your case to switch from SUID root to UID of
user at this moment - if there's something to be called from

I think you're right about the purpose of the 'S'.

If his home directory is NFS-mounted from another system, the common
practice is that, when "root" tries to access his home directory, it
effectively gets uid=(-2).  So it might have a problem reading
Carles's $HOME/.procmailrc file.
and why if I send the mail is no problem, and if somebody send e-mail then
.procmailrc cannot be read?

I don't understand

If this is the case, it will have an easier time reading it if it
"becomes" uid=<<Carles's uid>>.
where I must write it?

Thank you very much

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: cpina(_at_)linuxfan(_dot_)com || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / 
   ¿Ruido? ¿Qué rui(_dot_)(_dot_)(_at_)#%(_dot_)&!...NO CARRIER

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