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Re: Delete a specific EXE

2001-11-30 18:30:21
At 5:10 PM -0500 11/30/01, Sam is rumored to have typed:

If you are not willing to help, and only want to insult people, why do you
even bother reading this list?

   (*sigh*) I didn't insult you. I pointed out that you couldn't have read
the man pages, or at least couldn't have understood what you read, since at
least part of the answer is sitting right there, and the rest is sitting at
the FAQ, and the question has been answered a boatload of times on the
mailing list because other people didn't read the man pages, FAQ, and mailing
list archives. If you choose to take that as an insult, so be it...but please
note that I never called you or anyone else a, "twit," I mearly tried to more
politely tell you what Mr. Ross was saying. The only person I see being
insulting is you.

   And I _did_ offer to help you. Indeed, I told you where to look to acquire
the knowledge you'll need to ask the proper questions. (You asked if procmail
could be used for a specific purpose. You should be lucky you didn't just get
a bunch of replies saying nothing more than, "Yes.")

I wasn't asking for a handout. Just a hand.

   Which I gave you. The question now is, do you plan on using it, or not? I
mean, gees, guy, if you're going to ask for help, you should at _least_ suck
it up and read what's suggested instead of whining that the answers aren't
what you wanted. Instead of wasting time griping to me, you could already
have your recipies working.

   Since it's pretty clear you aren't interested in the help and advice I can
give (which I repeat is to RTFM and the FAQ and the mailing list archives so
you can at least ask _informed_ questions of the list), I will not respond to
this thread again.


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