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Re: Setup problem

2001-12-18 02:13:31
Thanks for your help. I'll give these things a try.

Sorry to send such a large posting, I guess I just wasn't thinking!

Oh, and I probably don't need to point out that if these users actually
HAVE mail accounts on the local host, that they should be receiving mail
which is addressed to them anyway (and if not, you should deal with
sendmail aliases or virtusertable config to make it so).  If you get a
message which is:

To: ben(_at_)example(_dot_)com, julie(_at_)example(_dot_)com
Cc: mark(_at_)example(_dot_)com

Who's going to get the message (or perhaps, THREE copies of it)?

Procmail isn't an MTA - you should leave account routing to the MTA.

Hmmm, I have aliases set up correctly and email is routed by sendmail
correctly if the domain is 'localhost' or equivalent. The problem is that
incoming mail from my isp has an external domain name so sendmail does not
route it to the correct user from its alias table (I think!!). Sorry if this
is off topic, I'll go find a sendmail list for this one.

Thanks again for your help,


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