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Re: Suggestion for Enhancement; B, H, ... and D

2002-02-16 12:38:22
At 13:04 2002-02-16 -0600, David W. Tamkin wrote:

I was deliberately staying away from that.  For now I'd be content with
leaving `D' off the colon line and marking every condition that needed

I've gotta ask: why not have a regexp switch, such as a trailing slash operator?

* ^Subject:.*sometext/D

(or the converse: have the recipe flagged D, then use a case insensitive switch on the lines that should remain insensitive).

Alternatley, have a "sensitivity on" "sensitivty off" marker pair (and if we're going to introduce that, it'd make sense to ensure that the markers inherently support multiple flagging types, so that it can be easily extended in the future)?

The alternate BOL symbol would be doable - if that route is taken, the flags should have an explicit terminator:

+ BDjk + ^Subject:.*sometext

Thus, additional flags could be introduced without necessitating a rethinking of the approach. In the above example, FLAGS preceed the second plus - if you were using a variable, it'd appear after the second plus, so letters wouldn't be confused. Plus flagged recipe lines would ALWAYS have the plusses in pairs like that.

OR, rules could be:

** BDjk * ^Subject:.*sometext

The second asterisk appearing immedatley after the one at BOL would signify that this is the alternate type (or it could be a plus). In this way, the basic "asterisk starts a condition" format would be retained, though it might lead to confusion with some users thinking it is a typo...

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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