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Re: Suggestion for Enhancement; B, H, ... and D

2002-02-22 08:18:52
On 02/21/2002, 16:09 -0600, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Jacques responded,

| Is `(' legal at the beginning of  an action?

Yes.  It means save to a folder in $MAILDIR whose name begins with a left

Sorry, I  should have tried it  --- bad filenames, IMHO.

 As almost all characters  are valid in filenames, (idiot|perverse)proof
backward compatibility is a problem, of course.

Using some variation around `**(' seems ugly ; maybe a new flag like `X'
for extended syntax should be mandatory?

When I suggested,

Perhaps ANDing or ORing could be specified as a level is opened?

He replied,

| I don't like that,
|  - because OR is  a binary operator, and I feel  its "natural" place for
|    readability is rather between operands, unless RPN|Lisp addiction ;

"RPN" -- really more polite to call it "RLN" --

??  I used the HP® acronym, and did not intended to hurt anybody...
Sorry, my english is not perfect, as you can read.

is postfix notation, with
the operator specified after the operands, as in dc or FORTH.  What I was
considering was prefix notation, with the operator first, aka Lukasiewicz
notation.  I wouldn't call one or another "natural"

I  quoted it,  meaning `infix  is much  more frequent'  ; if  you prefer
prefixed notation, you  can use something like flags  `U' for union, `I'
for intersection, and

:0 UI
* a
* b
* c

means prefixed  `UIabc', or familiar  `(a && b)  || c' ; I  believe that
this  prefixed syntax leads  to much  more errors  with long  or complex

For  the same  reason, Philip's  proposal of  embedded `(?-i)'  is also,
apart other arguments, more flexible  and user friendly than an exterior
`D' flag.

because algebraic notation doesn't occur in nature;

`nature' is also ambiguous :)

however, I'll agree that it's unfamiliar.

| when `( a || b ) && c' is written as
| :0
| (
|   * a
| )(
|   * b
| )
| * c
| action2

I'm sorry, but I don't see that.  What in there gives (a||b) precedence over
the "&&c" part?  Sequence?

No, `)(' gluing. Developing BNF definitions is a waste of time now, but

 - the first `(' line opens a (maybe chained) block,

 - any optional `)(' "glue" line ORs the results of adjacent upper and lower

 - the `)' line closes the (chained) block.

The whole chain  *is* equivalent to one 0-level  condition, as `*' lines
in current syntax. Blocks may be recursively nested, of course.

I keep sequence as  current procmail implicit ANDing, for compatibility.
Current sequential  conditions can easily  be pasted everywhere  it make
sense, even if it is not recommended without thinking about it.

What if we wanted a&&(b||c), where a, being less
likely than (b||c), should be tested first?

You are right, the fourth case was missing:

* a
  * b
  * c

It is just a permutation of  the quoted upper example. My proposal is as
commutative as the current sequence,  except that you must pay attention
to side-effects, as useless ORed blocks need no evaluation, like that:

 ( a_true || b_useless) && c

as for conditions following one evaluated as false in current procmailrc.
I see no difficulties here, isn't it already the behaviour of Bash and
Perl ?

 Your proposal, Jacques, works
well when all the ANDs have precedence over any of the ORs, but whenever any
OR has precedence over any AND, it doesn't adapt.

May  be too verbose  syntax, but  it does,  I believe  --- have  you any

| Of course the  syntax is not symmetric between AND and  OR, but like the
| implicit priority anyway.

An implicit default priority is one thing.  Permitting no other priority is
quite another.

I meant dissymmetry  of notations, as the `)(' symbol  is roughly an OR,
when AND is hidden in newline.

As  far as  you  use some  parenthetic  syntax, you  should give  higher
priority  than  implicit default  to  '()'  pairs,  unless you  want  an
avalanche of protests...

Too long, sorry, I'll be terser now.
Jacques L'helgoualc'h
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