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Re: formail problem with leading comma in subject

2002-05-14 08:18:31
Sean said:

Do the outer message headers indicate that they were the ones > processed by 
Formail (the modified From:), or are those on the > internal headers (my 
guess is that this is where they're showing up)?  > If neither, ask yourself 

The outer headers list the 'From:' address as the one we want formail to
change to, but it is actually the internal headers (the ones that appear
in the body of the forwarded message) that include the 'Old-From:'
header.  Why would the MTA choke on that?

To make things stranger, it appears to be working, now.  We didn't make
any modifications to the rc file, so I'm stumped.  

Thanks for your help,

Justin Heimburger
Edward Jones IS
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