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Re: Forking "procmail"

2003-02-18 23:10:27
LuKwarm asked,

| When this happens how do you sort out the logging info?  I appears that
| the log is co-mingled?

If you need to separate the log entries, you have two options:

1. Early in the clone's braces, change the value of LOGFILE.  Then the clone
will log elsewhere.  If the clone has not fully delivered by the closing brace
and continues into the rest of the rcfile -- in most circumstances you don't
want that, but I once had a situation where I did -- then the clone will
continue to log to the second logfile.

2. Use the `w' or `W' flag along with `c' on the recipe that forks the clone.
Then the parent procmail process will sit around and do nothing until the
clone exits, even if the clone doesn't complete delivery within its launching
braces and uses code from later in the rcfile.

(I always thought that cloning was a way to reproduce without forking [and
certainly without spooning], but procmail isn't like life.)

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