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Re: Base64 Spam.

2003-06-16 11:51:54
On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 12:25:21AM +0200, Dallman Ross wrote:

      :0  # 030504 () where's the "multipart"?  There's just one encoded part
       *                  CTYPE  ??  ^^multipart/mixed
       *          2^0  B         ??  ^Content-Transfer-Encoding:(.*\<)?\
       * $ -$MAXINT^0
       *         -1^0  B         ??  ^Content-Type:(.*\<)?text/plain
       *         -1^1  B         ??  ^Content-Type:
       * $  $MAXINT^0
       { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }UBE.B+CT.MISMATCH:1" }

I think I get what this is doing, but wouldn't something like this be

  * ^Content-Type: multipart/
    :0 B
    * 1^1   ^Content-Type:
    { PARTS=$= }

    :0 A
    * PARTS ?? ^^1^^
    { W = "multipart: just one part" }

    :0 E
    * PARTS ?? ^^0^^
    { W = "multipart: no parts" }

system.  Typing "man -k base64" gives me one installed on my system:
it's called, oddly enough, "base64".

 12:21am [~/Mail] 482[0]> echo foo | base64 | base64 -d

I'm curious as to where that came from -- but another solution for this
is mimedefang from

I still don't think decoding base64 is worth the bother.  It's sort
of like strip-searching people you find have broken into your house
at 3 a.m. to see if they have any burglary tools on 'em.  Hell, if
they're in your house uninvited at 3 a.m., that's damning enough.
And if someone sends text-only or HTML mail base64-encoded, that's
damning enough.

Or ... strip-searching folks that phone you at 3AM.  Unfortunately, 3AM
in my timezone is the middle of the business day in parts of Asia.  You
can't block a whole technology just because spammers are using it.  Even
base64-encoded text/plain has its place, if the charset warrants it.

  Paul Chvostek                                             
  Operations / Abuse / Whatever
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