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Re: Question on restricting incoming mail from Mail Lists

2003-07-05 14:21:53
On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 10:15:26AM -0700, Professional Software Engineering 
I didn't say you were.  What I suggested was that a great many people who 
have gobs of addresses are simply wildcarding their domain at the MTA level 
(lots of hosting outfits set things up this way for their customers, so as 
to reduce the number of edits necessary on the part of that client).

Indeed, most of my clients actually request it. I try to explain why this is a
bad idea, as I'm more than happy to do the edits necessary to make whatever
addresses they want, work, but they want to be able to just make up addresses
whenever they want and not be bothered having to let me know what addresses
they want. Even my partner insists on it.
My domain is set up with only the addresses I want. Oddly enough, I don't have
has many spam issues as my clients do...

Andrew Edelstein        -

Please do not reply directly to me, or Cc: me on a reply to a list message.
I'll get my copy from the list.

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