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2004-03-08 08:25:20
Robert followed up,

Therefore, the logical conclusion for me would be, that just executing
'test' afterwards should be equal to executing '/usr/bin/test', but it
isn't. I still don't understand why.

At compile time, the build process didn't look in /usr/bin for a test executable. As I was saying, I don't know where it looks, only that the decision is made at compile time. If procmail was compiled to treat the word as a shellmeta, it does not look through $PATH when it starts up nor when it encounters "test" in an rcfile to see if maybe there's an executable after all.

Question: what is the output of

procmail LOG='PATH is "$PATH".
' /dev/null < /dev/null

If that includes a directory where test resides, then I'd guess that the existence of an executable /bin/test, and only /bin/test, prevents procmail from being hard-coded to treat "test" as a shellmeta.

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