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Is there a simpler way to exec procmail?

2005-04-21 21:16:44
Ok, this might sound silly, but I'm running Freebsd 5.3 on my new mail server and oddly enough the only way I could get procmail to do its job was to create a .forward file and put the following line into it:

"|IFS=' " && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #user"

Am I missing something in regards to my procmail? On my old system procmail just ran everytime mail came in without needing this. Right now what it does is mail comes in, procmail is executed, it goes through its filtering, sends mail to spam assassin and then exits when all its work is done. I'd like to eliminate the .forward file and run with something else to make this work. I don't want some overzealous user nuking their .forward file thinking that it shouldn't be there or is unneeded causing them not to get their mail filtered. I can't remember if I installed any milters on the old mail server, but I certainly haven't installed any on this one. Is that maybe what I need? And if so, which one?

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