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Re: removing file attachments

2006-01-04 12:59:46
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Mr Duck schreef:
Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
Mr Duck:

winmail.dat. For some reason, the version of Microsoft Outlook
we run chokes on this file, so we simply strip it from the

Do you mean "Outlook Express" or "Outlook"? These are actually very
different programs.
If you are really talking about "Outlook" then the source of your
problem will be that something earlier in your mail route is
corrupting the message.

   Not Express. (=

   My question is, what kind of corruption are we talking about?
All file attaches are received intact.  The only modifications
that are are done on our end are header adjustments from
SpamAssassin and ClamAssassin. We have no problems with any
other kind of file attach, only winmail.dat.

Compare such a message before any filtering to the version after. The
sending Outlook creates a winmail.dat attachment to transport Rich-Text
information. The receiving Outlook uses that information.

Microsoft is very known for not following standards, so maybe they don't
put the winmail.dat in the message as they should. SA or CA might try to
'repair' that.

   Are you suggesting that corruption is occuring in the body
of the message?  I can hardly fathom what corruption would occur
that would let all other file attaches work as expected.

You wrote:
"The problem comes when a second file is attached.  Demime
is stripping both files."
This is because the other attachments are "inside" the winmail.dat.

See also

Ugly code:

Grtz, Ruud

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