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Re: Forwarding to Blogger (was:Re: Formail uses "localhost")

2007-03-31 11:09:55
At 14:41 2007-03-30 -0500, Jim Syler wrote:

check your maillog.  Or run your recipe inside a sandbox -- my sandbox
includes a script redefinition of $SENDMAIL, so forwarded messages (using !
syntax) as well as anything invoking $SENDMAIL within the script (versus
improperly hardcoding "sendmail") will go through the script, which stores
the entire message as well as the specific parameters passed to $SENDMAIL.


Could you clue me in on how to do this? I've just been changing the ! 
email(_at_)server to my own email address, so I can see the output.

See the URL in my .sigline

Consider yourself clued.

  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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