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Re: Accelerating SPF deployment

2003-10-15 07:01:59
In <20031015081245(_dot_)GC18804(_at_)thyrsus(_dot_)com> "Eric S. Raymond" 
<esr(_at_)thyrsus(_dot_)com> writes:

Meng Weng Wong <mengwong(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com>:
Here's the situation right now.

1) I need to finish the new version of the draft RFC.

Want to run it by me when you've got a draft? Maybe I can be some editorial 
help.  I've done RFCs and been in an IETF WG.

The most recent rough draft of the next version can be found at:


This was posted last Friday, and I think work has been done on it
since then.

We're very near the point where publicity will take on a life of its
own.  If we're going to rename SPF to something like OMX (Outbound MX)
now is the time.  Does anyone think the project would be materially
served by so doing?

When somebody says SPF I think of sunscreen and Coppertone ads.  As a
propagandist, I advise you to change the name.   OMX is OK.  I have no
favorite candidate.

I don't see any real problem with SPF.  The fact that sunscreen SPF
protects you from something bad is not the worst association you can
have.  SPF is going to remain a pretty geeky thing anyway, along with

I guess if you could bring on the support of alternate proposals in
part by changing the name, that would be well worth while.


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