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Re: extending the macro syntax

2003-11-04 12:46:07

Jasper Wallace wrote:

Indeed, how many options do we have? can we express them all using a single
letter (it would have to be case insensitive)? then we can ditch the {}'s
all together.

The problem is that the options (about 16 at the moment -- 8 lowercase + their 8 equivalent url-encoded uppercase) have a variable number of modifiers.

For example:

      %{d2}    is the last two components of the domain

      %{ir}     is the reversed ip address

For the local part it can be more complex:

      %{ur-}   is the reversed local part of the sender, split at '-'

You might argue that the url-encoding should not be based on the case of the initial letter, but should be another modifier. Thinking about it, I would support that - even though it would break backwards compatibility. With appropriate definitions, then we could make the whole of the SPF record case insensitive (as far as functionality was concerned). The explanation would still (in a sense) be case sensitive.


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