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Re: publisher setup wizard

2003-12-10 13:46:05
Meng Weng Wong wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 05:08:50PM -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

> The preliminary design for the publisher setup wizard can be viewed at
>   http://dumbo.pobox.com/~mengwong/tmp/wizard.png
> If there are any web designers in the house, your help would be very
> welcome.

Done a few sites ;)

Naturally, everything below is IMHO. Also, I can't promise that I understand the current standard 100%, so if something below looks wrong, please point it out!

Is each orange box shown on the same page, or in sequence on seperate pages? I'd suggest titling each box with the mechanism and a brief summary, rather than putting the mechanism in the submit button.

Adding 'step x/y' can help prevent people from wandering off midway through if you do it on multiple pages.

Will the default behaviour for the records generated in this wizard always be -all? If not, you'll need a section for that, preferably at the end.

1) Top section: 'Your domain is':
It's not clear why this is here. I'd suggest:

TITLE: Your Domain
"Generate SPF records for which domain? [         ]"
(prefill this with the viewing domain if you wish)

"Require: If we can just point to another domain for SPF information, which domain? [ ] "

You'll need a page change here, of course, to get the domain name to be used below.

2) TITLE: Named Servers (A)
"pobox.com exists as a server with address(es)
Is this (are these) server(s) allowed to send mail? Yes () / No ()
Can other servers on the same subnet send mail from this domain? If so, what size is the block (in CIDR notation)? /[ ]

Are there any other named machines that can send mail from this domain?
If so, how many?        [   ]"

(use this data to generate the required number of repeats of the following block; you'll need to reload essentially the same page as above with the already-provided data pre-filled).

"Machine name: [       ]     CIDR block size  /[    ]"

3) TITLE: Mail Exchangers (MX)
"pobox.com has 7 mail exchangers (machines which can accept incoming mail for this domain) defined. Can these servers also send outgoing mail from this domain? Yes () / No ()

Can the mail exchangers for other domains also send mail for this domain?
If so, how many?        [   ]"

(include repeating block as before)

4) TITLE: Directly-specified servers or blocks (IP4)
"Can any machines not specified above send mail from this domain?
If so, how many?        [   ]"

repeating block:
"Machine name: [       ]     CIDR block size  /[    ]"

(add a note: IPv6 support to follow)

5) TITLE: Domain-wide sending (PTR)
"Should we allow all machines in the domain pobox.com to send mail from this domain? Yes () / No ()"
Can we have multiple PTR sections in the SPF record?

6) TITLE: Sending via other domains (include)

"Do the servers of any other domains legally send mail from this domain?
If so, how many domains?        [   ]"

repeating block:

"Foreign Domain    [    ]"

... and done ...

The "how many" buttons can also be implemented as "One more" to extend the form.

HTH - I might try and mock some of this up in HTML/PHP tomorrow if I have time, demonstrations being worth 2^10 words and all that...


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