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Re: Starting spfd (FreeBSD)

2003-12-18 12:28:34
[no prior reference needed really]

I've applied the concepts presented by mark and hdp, switched around some of the logic so the permissions are dropped and changed at proper times. The end result is attached for anyone who is interested. I have checked it and it doesn't run, but this doesn't mean it's perfect.

Have at it.


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#!/usr/bin/perl -sw

eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -sw -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

# simple forking daemon to provide SPF services
# mengwong+spf(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com
# Tue Oct 28 00:46:44 EST 2003
# echo "ip=IP\nhelo=HELOHOST\nsender=EMAILADDRESS\n" | nc localhost 5970
# or use Mail::Postfix::Attr to query spfd over a unix domain socket.
#    spfd [OPTION]...
#    spfd -port=5970
#    -port=PORTNUM
#        Listen with a tcp socket on port PORTNUM (mutually exlusive with -path)
#    -path=FILESPEC
#        Listen with a unix socket at FILESPEC (mutually exlusive with -port)
#    -pathuser=USER
#        When using a unix socket set owner to USER
#    -pathgroup=GROUP
#        When using a unix socket set group to GROUP
#    -pathmode=MODE
#        When using a unix socket set socket permissions to MODE (octal)
#    -setuser=(uid|username)
#        Drop privileges to uid or username after opening the socket
#    -setgroup=(gid|groupname)
#        Drop privileges to gid or groupname after opening the socket

use Mail::SPF::Query;
use Socket;

use strict;
use vars qw($port $path $pathuser $pathgroup $pathmode $setuser $setgroup);

sub usage () {
  print "usage: spfd ( -port=5970 | -path=/var/spfd ) [-setuser=(uid|username)] 
  print "usage:      [ -pathuser=(uid|username)] [ -pathgroup=(gid|groupname)] 
  print "usage: spfd assuming -port=5970\n";

sub DEBUG () { $ENV{DEBUG} }

if (not $port and not $path) {

if ($port and $path) {
  exit 1;


my @args;
my $sock_type;

if ($port) {
  $sock_type = "inet";
  @args = (Listen    => 1,
           LocalAddr => "",
           LocalPort => $port,
           ReuseAddr => 1
  print "$$ will listen on $port\n";
  $0 = "spfd listening on $port";
} elsif ($path) {
  $sock_type = "unix";
  unlink $path if -S $path;
  @args = (Listen => 1,
           Local => $path,
  print "$$ will listen at $path\n";
  $0 = "spfd listening at $path";

print "$$: creating server with args @args\n";

my $server = $sock_type eq "inet" ? IO::Socket::INET->new(@args) : 

if ($path) {
  if (defined $pathuser or defined $pathgroup) {
    unless ( defined $pathuser ) { $pathuser = -1 }
    unless ( defined $pathgroup ) { $pathgroup = -1 }

    if ($pathuser =~ /\D/) {
      $pathuser = getpwnam($pathuser) || die "User: $pathuser not found\n";

    if ($pathgroup =~ /\D/) {
      $pathgroup = getgrnam($pathgroup) || die "Group: $pathgroup not found\n";

    chown $pathuser, $pathgroup, $path or die "chown call failed on $path: 
  if (defined $pathmode) {
    chmod oct($pathmode), $path or die "Cannot fixup perms on $path -- $!\n";

DEBUG and print "$$: server is $server\n";

if ($setgroup) {
  if ($setgroup =~ /\D/) {
    $setgroup = getgrnam($setgroup) || die "Group: $setgroup not found\n";
  $( = $setgroup;
  $) = $setgroup;
  unless ($( == $setgroup and $) == $setgroup) {
    die( "setgid($setgroup) call failed: $!\n" );

if ($setuser) {
  if ($setuser =~ /\D/) {
    $setuser = getpwnam($setuser) || die "User: $setuser not found\n"; 
   $< = $setuser;
   $> = $setuser;
   unless ($< == $setuser and $> == $setuser) {
    die( "setuid($setuser) call failed: $!\n" );

while (my $sock = $server->accept()) {
  if    (fork) { close $sock; wait; next; } # this is the grandfather trick.
  elsif (fork) {                    exit; } # the child exits immediately, so 
no zombies.

  my $oldfh = select($sock); $| = 1; select($oldfh);

  my %in;

  while (<$sock>) {
    chomp; chomp;
    last if (/^$/);
    my ($lhs, $rhs) = split /=/, $_, 2;
    $in{lc $lhs} = $rhs;

  my $peerinfo = $sock_type eq "inet" ? ($sock->peerhost . "/" . 
gethostbyaddr($sock->peeraddr, AF_INET)) : "";

  my $time = localtime;
  DEBUG and print "$time $peerinfo\n";
  foreach my $key (sort keys %in) { DEBUG and print "learned $key = 
$in{$key}\n" };

  my %q = map { exists $in{$_} ? ($_ => $in{$_}) : () } qw ( ip ipv4 ipv6 
sender helo fallbacks guess_mechs );

  my %a;

  my $query = eval { Mail::SPF::Query->new(%q); };

  my $error = $@; for ($error) { s/\n/ /; s/\s+$//; }

  if ($@) { @a{qw(result smtp_comment header_comment)} = ("unknown", $error, 
"SPF error: $error"); }
  else {
    @a{qw(result smtp_comment header_comment)} = $query->result();
    @a{qw(guess  smtp_guess   header_guess  )} = $query->best_guess();

  if (DEBUG) {
    for (qw(result smtp_comment header_comment
          guess  smtp_guess   header_guess)) {
      print "moo!  $_=$a{$_}\n";

  for (qw(result smtp_comment header_comment
          guess  smtp_guess   header_guess)) {
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    print $sock "$_=$a{$_}\n";

  DEBUG and print "moo!  output all done.\n";
  print $sock "\n";
  DEBUG and print "\n";

  close $sock;


Sender Permitted From: http://spf.pobox.com/
Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
Latest draft at http://spf.pobox.com/draft-mengwong-spf-02.9.4.txt
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