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Re: Starting spfd (FreeBSD)

2003-12-17 23:04:40
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:01:43PM -0800, Mark Foster wrote:
if ($port and $group) {
  $( = $) = $group;
  unless ($( == $) and $( == $group) {
    die( "setgid($group) call failed: $!\n" );

if ($port and $user) {
   $< = $> = $user;
   unless ($< == $> and $< == $user) {
    die( "setuid($user) call failed: $!\n" );

if ($path) {
      if ($group and $user) {
              chown $user, $group, $path or die "Cannot chown $user, $group 
on $path -- $!";

      } elsif ($user) {
              chown $user, -1, $path or die "Cannot chown $user on $path -- 
      # fixup perms so that our user/group can read/write to the unix socket
      chmod 0660, $path or die "Cannot fixup perms on $path -- $!";

It would make a lot more sense to me to setuid/setgid whenever
a user/group are given than to continue running as root in one case and
not in the other.

Also, then you don't have to fiddle with chown.


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