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Re: Starting spfd (FreeBSD)

2003-12-18 09:56:36
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 07:32:46AM -0800, Mark Foster wrote:
Alas, setuid (and maybe setgid) do not just "work" with my perl, which 
is from freebsd ports (perl-5.8.0). IIRC setuid capability is a 
compile-time choice, so many systems may not come with that enabled.

Actually, it's an OS difference.  I don't have a freebsd machine, so I
can't test exhaustively, but freebsd requires more hoop-jumping than
either linux or solaris, both of which are happy with the '$< = $> = foo'

You might be thinking of 'safe setuid scripts', which is a compile-time
option that most people turn off.


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