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RE: Using headers instead of SRS

2004-01-26 08:15:30
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Julian Mehnle wrote:

: But to create somewhat reliable reputation systems (RHSBLs, domain
: blacklists) for SPF to actually do its part in the fight against spam, we
: need people to *recognize* forgeries in the first place.  Nobody, not even
: experts, will want having to examine the full headers of *every*
: potentially address-forged message to find out.

The experts already examine the full headers.  The end users normally don't
give a damn about "forgeries"; rather they care about "spam".  Let the ISP's
normal "report spam" process contain the proper information (which it
already does).

: I suggested the "Sender:" header, because I think it's conceptually the
: same as the envelope sender, or could at least be made so without
: significant problems.

One particular issue I've found with Sender: is its use with S/MIME.
Please see RFC2632, which describes using Sender: as one of the S/MIME ident
fields (used to support S/MIME on output of a mailing list).  Rewriting
Sender: would deauthenticate such a message.

*shrug* I give up.  I'm afraid that rewriting a header (as opposed to just
the envelope, or just adding a header) will lead to even more nasty
implementation in the wild, and may decrease the possibility of acceptance
by MTA authors.  Feel free to write the patches and submit them; I'm just
tired of trying to separate the two concepts.

If I had to settle on a header, I'd vote only for adding a "Resent-Sender:",
not munging any existing field in the original message.

-- Todd Vierling <tv(_at_)duh(_dot_)org> <tv(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>

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