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RE: Using headers instead of SRS

2004-01-25 11:27:45
--On Sonntag, Januar 25, 2004 15:55:02 +0000 "Steven G. Willis" <sgwillis(_at_)deepskytech(_dot_)com> wrote:
Perhaps I'm being too paranoid, but let's say SPF causes spammers to
change  their behavior, but they adapt relatively quickly, and scramble
the  envelope sender to not match the headers.  If SPF causes relatively
little  pain for spammers, and much more pain for forwarders,
administrators will  find themselves looking at alternate proposals.  If
that happens, let's be  ready with v2.
This is actually a good enough argument to address this issue in SPF1
rather than wait for SPF2... The loss of confidence and faith among
administrators under SPF1 would adversely affect the implementation of
SPF2. This could easily jeopardize the viability of SPF being implemented

I don't think so. SPF will force spammers to use one of their own domains fpr the envelope sender. No matter what the user would see in the message, we will have a valid domain that belongs to the spammer (or at least its owners allows sending spam), so we can use this to block spam in the SMTP dialog. Blacklisting domains will be possible again.

So it doesn't matter how much the content of the message is verifiable - the fact that we can reliably use the envelope information to filter spam against blacklists will be enough, IMHO.


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