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Re: Handling forward?

2004-01-27 03:11:57
Meng Weng Wong wrote:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 03:14:34AM -0600, Phil Howard wrote:
| | If you subscribe to a forwarding service, like bigfoot.com for example,
| and if you run SPF on your MX server, you should give bigfoot.com a pass
| so that it you won't be refusing mail just because bigfoot.com leaves
| the original sender as is.  If you let it be refused, it's your fault
| that you don't get your own mail.
I expect responsible forwarding services to implement SRS.  It's their
job to save their users the inconvenience of setting up this sort of

Is SRS the sole solution to problems in forwarding when SPF is implemented?

For everybody else, I hope to have SRS patches available for MTAs in
three to four weeks so all you'll need to do is upgrade.  We're fixing
email.  Please pardon our dust.

What is wrong with replacing the original sender env with the original recipient in forwarded mail?

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