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Re: Registrar DNS support (register.com stories)

2004-01-28 15:02:25
Jim Popovitch wrote:
On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 23:09, Thomas Harold wrote:

Here's their latest reply (below)... maybe I just need to put in a support request to have them add the TXT records? (or did you try that?)

Don't do that... it confuses them.  They think that you want to send
them a text file with a bunch of A records.  They then advise similar to
what you saw.... "Whatever changes you wish to do, you can easily do it
through our online console i.e. domain manager"  (standard reply)

It appears that the Register.com front line folks are clueless on SPF
(understandable, even despite all the recent coverage).   I just wish
one of their engineering types would clue them in. ;)

Well, I got a "no" to my request (darn)... I might chase the sales-side next week, see if I can't get someone to realize that there's a shift happening and they're standing in the way.

We do understand that you wish to setup SPF records fro your domain. Please be informed that Register.com does not support SPF records.

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