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Re: A couple of thoughts

2004-02-17 08:06:02
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, John Warren wrote:

Egads, I just notices something about SRS that going to hurt all 
Mercury mail users.

This assumption is incorrect. Please read the paper at 
http://www.anarres.org/projects/srs/srs.pdf where it explains how the SRS 
scheme actually works.

1) Only forwarders are obliged to have anything to do with SRS.
2) End-user MUAs, MTAs, etc do not require modification.

Mercury can use the "+" between the user name and a optional tag, i.e., 
"user+tag(_at_)domain(_dot_)com" so the user can track names used in mailing 

This has no bearing on SRS.


etc. Since their are thousands of Mercury installations out there I 
STRONGLY suggest that a different seperator be used and that the SRS 
string come after the user name not before it. That way you always see 
the user name and can parse everything after it as special information. 
I guess that if the SRS part always starts with SRS the "+" could still 
be used but you have to account for the user tag, i.e., 

I could be totally wrong here so I have to go back and read the SRS 
spec again just to make sure plus pass this on to the author of Mercury 
as only he know for sure what the problems would be.

Shevek                                    http://www.anarres.org/
I am the Borg.                         http://www.gothnicity.org/