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?all (was RE: aol.com)

2004-03-30 12:16:28
At 10:52 AM 3/30/2004, csm(_at_)Lunar-Linux(_dot_)org wrote:
Okay so that is the second time I have heard this reference to ?all being useless... as I am really just learning about this would you mind explaining why? I am not DNS illiterate but I set mine up based on what the wizard gave me and it definitely recommended using all.

The "?" is the key. You can end your record with ?all -all or ~all (or +all, but you're not likely to want to!)

These mean:

-all: Anything not listed is unauthorized (fail)
?all: Anything not listed may or may not be authorized (unknown)
~all: Anything not listed is probably not authorized, but there is a chance it could be. (softfail)
+all: Anything not listed is authorized. (pass)

With a "-all" default, the end-user can reject mail that doesn't really come from you, but runs the risk that a non-SRS forwarding service might have passed something along.

With a "?all" default, the end-user cannot reject forged mail, but it *can* give some positive weight to *verified* mail.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <www.speed.net>

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