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Re: The New SPF: introducing RFROM

2004-05-21 22:05:09
Meng Weng Wong wrote:

Furthermore, I'm sure that as things evolve, MTA plugin architectures
will make it trivial for plugins to get access to arbitrary elements
of the SMTP transaction.  So plugins will be able to get all the MAIL
parameters, including RFROM.

If you had asked me a week ago, I would have said these SMTP extensions are
a pointless endeavor, because it would take the IETF ten years to make up
its mind, as usual.

Now, however, with you sitting around the table with the major players, and
they're are nodding and agreeing with one another, things have radically
changed. I'd say, go for it! You have a unique momentum now; avail yourself
of it, before the moment is gone again.

RFROM, which has been said before, is brilliant. It is the best of both
worlds. It is taking an important 2822 element, one that MS c.s. have been
hammering on using, yet brings it within the 2821 scope for checking. It
also elegantly solves the forwarding problem.

Let us face it; we have always, in our hearts, wanted an SMTP extension. It
just never seemed realistic to make happen. The RFROM is a fantastic
solution, really. And it does not break SMTP any more than ESMTP breaks it.

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

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